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Vegetable Picking

Programs & Networks

Ajo Food Pantry

An emergency food resource center serving the communities of Ajo, Why, and the Tohono O’odham Nation.


Ajo Gardeners Network

The Ajo Gardeners Network (AGN) program of Ajo CSA is a network of backyard gardeners and growers in and around Ajo. Members of this free program enjoy a multitude of benefits.


Adopt-A-Sonoran Desert Crop

The program aims to preserve and promote native and regionally appropriate crops through seed-saving. The program provides farmers and gardeners with free seeds to grow and harvest along with direct support from Ajo CSA staff.


Arizona Agricultural Workforce Development Coalition

A network of farmer mentors, training and educational organizations, and beginning farmers. The hard work of the coalition and supporters led to the passing of the Arizona Agriculture Workforce Development Program into law on June 30th, 2021 after three legislative sessions. 


Beginning Farmer Training Program

Ajo CSA offers several programs that provide beginning farmer training. Click below to learn about the programs we offer.


Youth Programming

Ajo CSA offers programs for youth. Click below to learn about these programs.


Kaij Ki

Kaij Ki offers free seeds, educational information and assistance, and workshops. You can also shop for traditional foods

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